Game Art and Game Design

BTS - Brevet de technicien supérieur

The game artist has strong 3D and art skills and is capable of designing and producing 3D work for a variety of uses including 3D games and animated films.

  • Creative work: Research, conceptualize and take creative decisions. Work with color, shape and volume to design virtual worlds, their content and their inhabitants.
  • Technical tasks: Work with modern, specialized software and create the 2D & 3D assets, levels and characters required to bring digital games to life.
  • Work in teams: The production of games relies on the teamwork of specialized creatives.

The course aims to empower the students to fulfill job roles such as Game Artist, Character designer, 3D Artist, Level Designer, Concept Artist, Technical Artist or Interactive Media Designer

Link to the BTS page

Game Art and Game Design

Galerie d’images



Triaed Lampen-Rennen Tire Robot Animation